Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What Can You Do?

90% of all crime is opportunity – the best way to prevent the opportunity of a crime to happen to your home is to be aware.

• KEEP YOUR LIGHTS ON OVERNIGHT – a well lit area will deter a criminal. As you know the only street lights in Greenwood are on Seatrend and Dunn Ct. The rest of the streets in the neighborhood can get pretty dark. It costs less than 3 cents a night to leave on one light bulb.

• MAINTAIN YOUR HOME – keep up with home maintenance and keep your yard and neighborhood free of litter. A dirty and unkempt neighborhood gives criminals the impression that neighbors don’t care or pay attention.

• LOOK OUT FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS – keep an eye out for each other. If your neighbor is out of town, picking up their mail or parking in their driveway will give the impression that they are home.

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