Friday, June 29, 2007

Fireworks Safety

Fireworks are an American tradition. They can provide hours of wholesome,
family entertainment, but must be used by adults carefully and
safely. To insure the safety of both the audience and those lighting the
fireworks, Fairfax County Police Department recommend the following fireworks safety guidelines:

1. Never let children handle fireworks; only adults should handle and light the
2. Do not use alcohol while lighting or handling fireworks.
3. Follow the laws; use common sense.
4. Use fireworks on a hard, flat surface.
5. Use in a clear, open area away from buildings, vehicles, and shrubbery.
6. Keep clear of the fireworks.
7. Use care in handling and lighting the fireworks.
8. Light one firework item at a time.
9. Don't use malfunctioning or "Dud"- items.
10. Have an accessible fire extinguisher or a supply of water close by.
11. Be cautious of lighting any fireworks during strong wind conditions.
12. Never use the fireworks as a weapon by pointing them or throwing them at another person or property.
13. Store fireworks in a cool, dry place and dispose of them properly.
14. Use fireworks outdoors; never use fireworks indoors.
15. Purchase fireworks only from reliable, licensed dealers.
16. Safety glasses are recommended for those lighting the fireworks and for those who are in close proximity to the fireworks.
17. Be considerate of pets and animals that may be frightened by the fireworks
18. Do not transport fireworks on airplanes.

Be aware that it is easier than ever to purchase fireworks via the Internet which could result in purchases that may be illegal in the state of VA or may be of poor quality.

Any firework which explodes, emits a flame or sparks higher than 12 feet, or performs as a projectile is prohibited by the Fairfax County Fire Prevention Code. A permit is required for the sale of all fireworks, and these permits are only valid from June 1 to July 15 of each year.
Many fireworks are not available in Northern Virginia because they are illegal. Firecrackers, cherry bombs, and skyrockets are just a few examples of fireworks which may be purchased in other areas, but are illegal here. Since even the possession of unapproved fireworks is prohibited in Fairfax County, such fireworks will be confiscated and the person possessing them can be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor. This carries a maximum penalty of a $2,500 fine and/or up to one-year in jail.

For more on fireworks safety please visit the National Council on Fireworks Safety at


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

PIZZA PARTY - Keeping Greenwood Kids Stay Safe

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 10th for a free presentation from the Fairfax County Police on Children Safety. Fun safety activities for children of all ages!

The event will take place at 7pm at the Governmental Center on Franconia Road in the Helen Wilson Room.

Come enjoy pizza and hear one of our local police officers explain what we can do to make sure our kids stay safe. The program will include a special discussion of the predator stranger who approaches a child and the reaction of the child to that situation in a way that is not only informative but FUN. We’ll also talk about street safety and special issues affecting our neighborhood. Important information for the whole family!

Please RSVP to

Children under 16 must be accompanied by his/her parent/guardian.