Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Possible Attempted Child Abduction on Demme Place

On Sunday, April 22 a man in a grey Lincoln Continental with temporary Ohio plates was catcalling a 12 year old girl and gesturing for her to come over to the car. The young girl ran home, he followed her to her home. He then left to pick up another man from a home on Demme Place and returned to the young girls’ home. The two men began gesturing to the young girl, by this time the mother had called the police. While on the phone the young girls’ grandmother approached the car. The car peeled out spinning wheels loud enough for the dispatcher hear. The police eventually caught the driver of the car, the second man was aided by the woman who lives on Demme Place and escaped the police. The driver was arrested for Drunk in Public and Reckless Driving. According to the police, the man could not be charged with any crimes associated with trying to lure the young girl to the car.

The police also mentioned that this home was a ‘known’ home to the police for drug use and domestic violence. Once records are made public, the home and names can be posted on the website.

Parents need to be aware of this potential danger in Greenwood. Who is to say the man would have taken the child if she did approach the car, but no intentions are honorable when a strange man calls a child over to a car.

The NWC is hearing many comments about children of all ages without parental supervision, while it is not possible to watch children all the time and children do need levels of freedom, it is important to discuss child safety and what to do in potentially dangerous situations.

The NWC is working on a safety presentation for the neighborhood children and their parents. Please check back for more information on the date and details as they develop.

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