Thursday, October 29, 2009

Top Ten Tips for Safe Trick-Or-Treating this Halloween

The Halloween tips below was found on - this is a very good site to check frequently for Kid Safety information.

Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, and many kids will be out late trick-or-treating while it is dark – making it harder for drivers to see them. Whether you are a driver or a parent, you can do your part to help kids stay out of the emergency room on Halloween.

Top five safety tips for children walking on Halloween:

- Cross the street safely at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross. Walk, don’t run, across the street.

- Walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. Children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings.

- Slow down and stay alert – watch out for cars that are turning or backing up and never dart out into the street or cross in between parked cars.

- Young children should trick or treat with an adult. Children younger than age 12 should not cross streets at night without an adult. If older kids are mature enough to go trick-or-treating without adult supervision, parents should make sure they go in a group and stick to a predetermined route with good lighting.

- Costumes can be both creative and safe. Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers and, if possible, choose light colors. Masks can obstruct a child’s vision, so choose non-toxic face paint and make-up whenever possible instead. Have kids carry glow sticks or flashlights in order to see better, as well as be seen by drivers.

Top five safety tips for drivers on Halloween:

- Slow down in residential neighborhoods and school zones. Remember that popular trick-or-treating hours are during 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Be especially alert and take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs. Children are excited on Halloween and may move in unpredictable ways.

- Slowly and carefully enter and exit driveways and alleys.

- Reduce any distractions inside your car, such as talking on the phone or eating, so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings.

- Drive with your full headlights on so you can spot children from greater distances. Remember that costumes can limit children’s visibility and they may not be able to see your vehicle.

- In preparation for Halloween, 150 local Safe Kids coalitions across the country will team up with Walk This Way program sponsor FedEx to provide kids with reflective materials to promote visibility, including trick-or-treat bags and zipper tags that can be attached to costumes, as well as important safety information for children, parents, and drivers.

For more tips on how to help kids become safer pedestrians on Halloween, as well as throughout the year, visit our Halloween page.

Friday, October 16, 2009

House in Greenwood Burglarized

Recently the NWC was informed of two recent incidents that happened in Greenwood and wanted to share their story to help inform neighbors.

A home on Levi Court was burglarized sometime between the evening of Friday, Sept. 25th and the morning of Saturday, Sept. 26th. The thief(s) managed to get into the car parked in the driveway and stole cash, a GPS and other personal items. The thief(s) then used the garage remote control stored in the car to get access to the garage and stole cash and items from the car parked inside the garage. The police commented that there have been similar cases like this one in the surrounding neighborhoods.

Luckily the door from the garage to the house was locked or the thief(s) would have then had full access to the house! As a direct result of hearing this story, I have removed the garage door opener that I stored in my car. Some newer garage openers have a smaller remote key chain opener. This is a big reminder not only to bring in all valuables from cars, but to also lock all house doors. If a door is shut, it should be locked.

The second incident happened about a month ago. A neighbor, preparing to leave for a trip, went out to her car (which was parked in the driveway) at 6:15am. Since she was going to return right away, she left her car unlocked when she went back into the house. Upon returning a few minutes later, it was clear someone had been in the car and ripped through everything. This is a perfect example of how a majority of crimes are opportunity. Someone nearby happened to see the car was left unlocked and tried to take advantage of the situation. Luckily the woman brought in her GPS and other valuables and nothing was taken. It’s recommended to lock your car, even if you expect to return right away. And again – never leave any valuables in the car.

Please email the NWC to report any suspicious activities, incidents or suggestions for articles or tips to share with your Greenwood neighbors.

Safety At Springfield Mall

Please continue to be aware of your surroundings and personal belongings while shopping at Springfield Mall. The police recommend parking in open parking lots rather than covered parking. There are fewer hiding spaces and more witnesses.

Fairfax County Police has office space at Springfield Mall located at the lower level by Macy's.

Fairfax Co. Police Search for Mall Parking Lot Attackers

Police Arrest Suspect in Metro Abduction

The recent stabbing that took place at Springfield Mall on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 was self inflicted.

The following article was posted to the Fairfax County website:

Springfield Mall
Update, January 2009

When I was growing up in Lee District, Springfield Mall was a vibrant and modern retail center with stores like Garfinkels and W. Bell Company. Times changed; other malls were developed and redeveloped, yet Springfield Mall’s 80 acres of stores and restaurants remained fixed in time with an absentee owner who saw no reason to invest in his property. The results were all too obvious—B-list retailers, questionable security, and customers who preferred to shop at Tysons, Pentagon City, and anywhere that wasn’t Springfield Mall. A few years ago Vornado Realty Trust, one of the country’s largest owners of retail and office property purchased the mall, intending to transform it into a mixed-use development with retail, office, hotel, and residential.

Vornado’s plans encompass a multi-phase renovation over a period of years. Some of the changes are already evident as the Mall prepares for its interior renovation. The leases of some tenants have not been renewed and other tenants are being moved within the Mall to accommodate the upcoming construction. Security has been significantly improved with the police and Mall security working closely together.

While construction on the first phase of redevelopment (primarily interior upgrades to the existing mall) is expected to begin in spring 2009, the second phase that requires a plan amendment and rezoning was approved by the citizen-led Lee District Land Use Committee and the Fairfax County Planning Commission. The rezoning case is scheduled to go before the Board of Supervisors on February 23.

This second phase would be a pedestrian-oriented town center with retail, office, hotel, and residential. Plans include pocket parks scattered throughout the development, as well as significant environmental upgrades and pedestrian plazas.

Transportation is an important issue and Fairfax County and VDOT are working closely with the Mall developers to ensure that both pedestrians and vehicles will be able to get around. Transportation improvements will include a street grid within the property, and an on-road bike lane for the perimeter roads and trails, as well as improved pedestrian connections between the town center and the Franconia/Springfield Metro and enhanced bus service.

You can find more information about the Mall’s plans at the Springfield Town Center site. I am very excited about the future of the mall and its potential to once again be a positive community focal point.

You can Minimize Your Risk for Identity Theft

Get information and tips from The Consumer Affairs Branch of the Department of Cable Communications and Consumer Protection during National Protect Your Identity Week.

DATE:Thursday, October 22, 2009

TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00p.m.

WHERE: Fairfax County
Government Center
12000 Government
Center Parkway
Conference Rooms2-3
Fairfax, VA 22035

To register call - 703-222-8435 or online at

NationalProtect Your Identity Week (PYIW)
October 17-24
is sponsored by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Texting Bill in effect Wednesday, July 1

The Fairfax County Police Department urges motorists to pay full time and attention when driving and reminds them that House Bill 1876 goes into effect on Wednesday, July 1. The new law prohibits drivers from sending or reading text messages and is punishable by a fine of $20.00 for the first offense and $50.00 for additional infractions. Virginia is the ninth state in the nation to ban text messaging while driving.

Commander of the Traffic Division, Captain Susan Culin, stresses that “the primary responsibility of a driver is to operate a motor vehicle safely. Driving requires one’s full attention and focus.” There were 14,078 traffic crashes in Fairfax County in 2008. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, driver distraction (from all sources) contributes to 25 percent of all police-reported crashes.

In the past, without a specific law pertaining to text messaging behind the wheel, officers charged violators with failure to pay full time and attention, a problem that is clearly on the rise. In 2008, Fairfax County Police officers charged 4,303 drivers, an increase from 3,317 arrests in 2007.

National Distracted Driving Week, led by the National Safety Council, runs June 22 – 28, 2009 and police join them in reminding motorists of the importance of educating and influencing people on how to help prevent accidental injury and death.

Learn more about new Virginia laws, and tips on avoiding distracted driving, at Watch the latest edition of F.C.P.D. Newsline where PFC Joe Moore describes several traffic laws motorists need to know.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bike Stolen

Last night a neighbor on Levi Court had his bicycle stolen from the front of his house. It was last seen last night cable locked to his front step railing and this morning it was missing.

It was a dark blue mountain bike brand MOTIV Freeport model with Shimano gears and comfort seat. The word MOTIV in large letters down the frame and the owner applied a code number AL3448252 for documentation.

A 3 foot long shepherds hook was left behind nearby and may have been used to try to pry the lock. A nylon hair comb was found in the yard.

The bike in question is similar to the attached photo but was dark blue with a bigger aftermarket comfort seat.

Last year a bike was stolen from one house and was left on another neighbor's lawn. Please be on the lookout around the neighborhood to see if the bike can be located and ask around to see if anyone found a bike lying around or knows anything.

A report was filed with the police and the information was added to an online stolen bike registry.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Animal Cruelty in Greenwood

Last month a resident witnessed neighborhood boys throwing stones at the Canada Geese by the pond in Greenwood, then noticed one of the birds attacked dying.

While Canada geese are often seen as a nuisance, they are living creatures; and attacking and killing animals that are unable to defend themselves can be a sign of other aggressive tendencies.
According to a 1997 study done by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and Northeastern University, animal abusers are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against people and four times more likely to commit property crimes than are individuals without a history of animal abuse.

Animal Control Officers are trained law enforcement officers responsible for enforcing county ordinances and state laws that pertain to animals and their treatment. The primary function of a Fairfax County Police Department Animal Control Officer is to help protect county residents while dealing with pets and animals as humanely as possible.

Animal Control Section hours of service:
Seven days a week, 6 a.m.- 12:30 a.m.
Call 703-691-2131 to report an incident

What to report and how to make a report:
Call the Fairfax County Police non-emergency dispatch number at 703-691-2131 to report:
  • Dog bites
  • Animal cruelty or neglect
  • Sick or injured wildlife
  • Human exposure/encounters with potentially rabid wildlife
At this time, it is not know what charges can be pressed against a person who commits such crimes in Fairfax County, but a person found guilty of killing geese in NJ was given a six-month jail term, a year of psychotherapy, fined $4,100, placed on a year's probation and banned from owning any animals for five years.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Keys Found

Monday March 30, 2009 a set of keys were found on the sidewalk between the pool and Trips Way. There are two silver keys on a key ring that is attached to an elastic "wrist" band. The elastic band is seafoam green with a seafoam green stone. There is also a charm on the elastic band. If they are yours, please contact Peggy Fouts (C) 703-350-3050. Be prepared to describe the charm.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Groups of Car Thieves Targeting Fairfax County

Fairfax, Va. - Fairfax County (web | news)
Police are warning the public about a recent string of car thefts.

Since August of 2008, police report that at least 30 Acura vehicles, all either the RSX or Integra and ranging from the 1994 to 2004 models, have been stolen across the county.

Several of the vehicles were recovered; the thieves had stripped the cars for parts.

Investigators believe that the thefts were orchestrated by several organized groups operating all over the metro area. Damage and loss to these stolen cars exceeds $360,000 so far.

Police want to residents to be careful and take steps to minimize the risks they take of becoming victims of car thieves. Residents are encouraged to remember that vehicles with computer-coded key chips are equally susceptible to theft. Police say that a vehicle should never be left unattended while it is running, even with the doors locked, and that keys and valuables should not be left in the car. They also suggest an alarm or anti-theft device for all vehicles.

Fairfax County detectives are looking for any information the public may have about the groups responsible for the recent auto thefts.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477).

Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Safety Tips

Have a safe and joyful holiday season! Follow these safety tips.

Home Safety
  • Be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave the house, even if you will only be gone for a minute.
  • Don't put large displays of holiday gifts in view of your windows or doors.
  • When going on trips or out for evenings, use automatic timers to turn indoor lights on and off to make it appear you are home.
  • Immediately after the holidays, mark new gifts with your Driver's License or ID number.
  • Don't advertise what you got for Christmas by putting the boxes out on trash day. Break the boxes down or take them to the dump yourself.

Shopping Safety

  • Lock packages in the trunk.
  • Don't overload yourself with packages.
  • If you must shop in the evening, shop with a friend.
  • Park in well-lighted areas, as close as possible to store entrances. Be particularly aware of persons in the parking lot, especially near your car.
  • Lock your car and make sure the windows are closed.
  • Carry only the charge cards you will need. Don't carry or flash large sums of cash.
  • Carry your purse next to your body with the purse flap against you. Men should carry their wallets in front or inside pockets.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Don't allow your attention to become distracted from your purse or packages.
  • Teach children to go to a store clerk or security guard and ask for help if you become separated in a store or shopping mall.
  • Don't hesitate to notify store security if you see suspicious activity.
  • If you have to wait for a ride, wait in a busy, well-lighted place.
  • If you are a victim of a crime, report it to police immediately.

Holiday Hazard Checklist from Readers Digest

The Police Notebook for Holiday Safety – including travel tips

Travel tips from the Department of Transportation's "Aviation Consumer Protection Division”

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here is your monthly Crime Prevention Tip:

Change your house numbers from the shiny brass and chrome to matte black numbers. It is easier for Police and Fire personnel to see your address numbers both in the light of day and darkness of night.

P.S. Turn your porch and backyard lights on!!!


PFC Julia M. Bauer
Fairfax County Police
Franconia District Station
Crime Prevention Unit
6121 Franconia Rd
Alexandria, VA 22310

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Safety Seminar

Please note the Community Forum meeting tonight has been cancelled as the search for a missing officer continues.

If you missed the Safety Seminar held in September - be sure to attend the meeting next week. Officer Eggers will touch upon some safety information but for a more in-depth discussion, be sure to attend the Community Forum Oct 22nd.

There were many points discussed at the safety seminar on Sept 23rd. Some of the most important comments are how we all play a role in our safety as 90% of all crime is opportunity. By being aware of your surroundings, locking doors and turning on lights, crimes can be prevented. The NWC sponsored Lights On For Safety on August 5th encouraging and reminding neighbors to leave lights on overnight to help prevent crime in Greenwood. In every police sponsored event NW attends it is repeated again and again: Lights Prevent Crime:

The dark provides concealment;
Concealment provides comfort;
Comfort provides opportunity!

Everyone living in Greenwood knows the streets can be very dark as lighting is only on Seatrend and Dunn and the costs to add lighting is not within the already maxed out Greenwood budget. The only way to improve lighting is if neighbors assume some responsibility. You can do your part by leaving your lights on outside overnight in the front and back of the house. If you are concerned about costs and the environment, you can use compact fluorescent light bulbs. They offer great peace of mind when used in exterior lighting, such as porch lights, because they can be depended on for years without worrying about premature burnouts. A compact fluorescent can last six times longer than an incandescent bulb so It also saves money over its lifetime as it draws only one-fourth the electricity of an incandescent. Motion detectors in the back are another excellent way to prevent crime. A light turning on late at night will draw attention from neighbors which is something no criminal wants.

The police spoke again and again about how they Want to get your calls - if something seems at all suspicious Please call the police at 703-691-2131 (save this number to your cell phone). The more calls - the better. Please note, a call about a "suspicious event" means there is no crime occurring - a "suspicious person" may not get an immediate response. If you are witnessing something that requires an immediate police response, that must be conveyed to the person (who is a volunteer) answering your call. A call about a situation that appears like it might be gang related or a gang activity will get a faster response time.

Also speaking at the meeting were representative from Vornado - the new owners of Springfield Mall - addressing the steps being taken to improve security at the mall. Vornado is committed to becoming a part of the Springfield community, they have taken steps to improve the safety of the mall and contribute to neighborhood events such as Springfield Days. Their website detailing the plans for the new and improved mall are at For Springfield Mall (and any other mall) there are simple steps you can take to improve your safety.
- Park in a well lit area - preferably not in the parking garage.
- Shop with a friend - if possible never shop alone.
- Have your keys out Prior to leaving the mall so you are not distracted looking for your keys.
- Do not become overloaded with bags.
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- Acknowledge and look people in the eye. Criminals do not want you to make eye contact. Criminals know people who make eye contact are more likely able to describe an attacker.

There are various meetings and events throughout the year where Vornado discuss the plans for improving Springfield Mall - these meetings are open to all to attend.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Personal Safety Seminar - September 23 - Crestwood Elementary School

From volunteering with the officers at SAFE, I have learned that Mrs. Bosworth parked on the 2nd floor of the parking garage. The officers always recommend parking in open spaces as opposed to garages due to lack of lighting creating an environment that gives easier opportunities for criminals. While each situation is different, if at all possible, the officers also recommend never getting into a car - when a victim enters a car and is taken from one place to another, the chances of survival reduce dramatically.

Following the abduction and tragic death of Barbara “Bobbie” Bosworth, 60, on Saturday, September 13, the Fairfax County Police Department is offering residents the opportunity to learn more about personal safety and crime prevention.

The public is invited to attend a community meeting on Tuesday, September 23 at Crestwood Elementary School, 6010 Hanover Avenue, in Springfield from 7:30 until 9:30p.m. The department is reaching out to the community, offering safety presentations and increasing public awareness of safety precautions that may prevent them from being victimized. “While there is no way to prevent all crime from occurring, we want to work closely with the public to empower them with information; the most effective tool we know of,” said Captain Erin Schaible, Commander of the Franconia District Police Station.

To request a safety presentation from a Crime Prevention Officer, contact the Fairfax County Police Department at 703-246-4564.

Report any suspicious activity or person(s) to the Fairfax County Police Department at 703-691-2131.

For more information about these and other personal safety tips, log onto

To request this information in an alternate format, call the Public Information Office at 703.246.2253. TTY 703-204-2264. A Spanish Flier is available for the Seminar, if you need the flier, please email me and I will send it to you.

MPO A. E. Eggers-NREMT-P
Fairfax County Police Department
Franconia District Station
Crime Prevention Unit
6121 Franconia Road
Alexandria, Va 22310

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Springfield Mall Fatal Carjacking

Please see the email below from Officer Eggers regarding the recent abduction from Springfield Mall. (Officers at the March '08 Neighborhood Watch Conference discussed the increased crime at Springfield mall and recommended if at all possible, it is best to avoid Springfiled Mall entirely).

Please note - Officer Eggers is scheduled to attend our Annual Greenwood Meeting on Wednesday, Oct 15th at Key Middle School to discuss personal safety, crime in Fairfax County and most importanly the recent crime and vandalism in Greenwood and fires started at the park behind Dakine Circle.

From: Eggers, Alice []
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 7:17 PM
Subject: Reference to Woodbridge Man Charged In Fatal Virginia Carjacking....Personal Safety Tips While Shopping....& S.A.F.E. Program.

Reference to Woodbridge Man Charged in Fatal Virginia Carjacking...Personal Safety Tips While Shopping and the SAFE Program

The following and were released by the Washington Post.

The two documents attached are the Personal Safety Tips While Shopping (Posted below) and the second document is the S.A.F.E. program (sexual assault free and empowered)

The Crime Prevention Unit felt we should address the concerns of the community by offering Personal Safety Seminars.

If you would like to have a Personal Safety Seminar in your community, HOA or church group etc. Please email or and we will schedule one.

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at the Crime Prevention Unit at (703)922-8263 or again or

Take care

MPO A. E. Eggers-NREMT-P
Fairfax County Police Department
Franconia District Station
Crime Prevention Unit
6121 Franconia Road
Alexandria, Va 22310

Fires Started at Park Behind Dakine Circle

On Thursday, Aug 21st a neighbor on Dakine smelled burning wood and heard 2 explosions coming from the direction of Springfield Forest Park behind Dakine Circle and called the police.

The fire department put out two fires started with dead wood, lighters and three cans of Tag aerosol which was used as an accelerant. Lt. Rocco Alvaro of the fire department said it is very easy for such activity to go undetected because the area behind Dakine Circle and in the park is very dark at night.

The fire department had to return again on Friday evening to put out another fire, it is believe the fire was a result of remnants of Thursday’s fire that was still smoldering.

On Saturday afternoon neighbors on Dakine Circle noticed the same burning smell behind their home and went beyond the playground to investigate. They came upon another fire smoking and called the fire department. The fire department believes this was a new fire and they discovered a burned out area, including charred trees with more accelerants and burned playing cards.

The fire investigators videotaped the scene and were going back to local stores to review video surveillance tapes. The fire department investigators were very concerned because they said even though the perpetrators may think they have smothered the fire, with the dry conditions; it is reigniting the dead leaves and other combustibles underneath it.

Anyone with any additional information about the fires should contact Lt. Rocco Alvaro directly at 703-246-4801.

Personal Safety Tips


  • Avoid shopping alone. Traveling in groups of two or more significantly reduces your chance of becoming a victim of crime.

  • Be especially alert when leaving stores or shopping malls for your vehicle. This is a time when criminals know you are carrying cash, checkbooks, credit cards or other valuables.

  • Trust your instincts. If you have an intuitive feeling something is wrong, trust your instincts. React immediately and take action. Many individuals suppress these feelings, because they fear their response will offend someone. React to your instincts and don’t worry about someone else’s feelings. If someone approaches you and you feel uncomfortable, move or ask for assistance.

  • Stand tall and display confidence. Walk with purpose, scan the area around you and make casual eye contact with others to display confidence.

  • Carry a cellular phone.

  • Avoid wearing excessive jewelry. In particular, keep necklaces and bracelets inside you clothing

  • Shop before dark and always park in well-lighted areas.

  • Make sure all doors and windows are locked in your vehicle.

  • Do not keep packages in plain view in your vehicle.

  • Don’t carry large sums of cash. If you do carry cash, do not display it in public or count cash in open areas.

  • Have keys in hand before returning to the vehicle. Searching through a purse or briefcase after you’ve reached your car means you are distracted.

  • As you approach the car, check to see if anyone is hiding underneath or inside If you are concerned for any reason, simply walk past your car and call for help

  • Lock your door immediately upon entering the vehicle. Make this your first action-even before you put the key in the ignition. And lock your door every time you get into your car-even if you are going for only a short ride.

  • Check your surroundings before getting out of your car. If something or someone strikes you as out of place or threatening, drive away. If it’s dark, go to a well lighted, heavily traveled area.

  • Report any suspicious activity or person immediately to the Fairfax County Police Department at (703)691-2131.

For more information about these and other personal safety tips or to request a presentation from the Crime Prevention Unit please contact MPO A. E. Eggers Franconia District Station (703)922-8263 or email at

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lights On Campaign

Tuesday, August 5th is National Night Out and Greenwood Residents are encouraged to take part in the Lights On Campaign.

Neighborhood Wacth is hoping all neighbors will leave their lights on overnight on Tuesday, August 5th. Please talk to your neighbors and encourage them to leave their lights on. If everyone participates and sees the difference lights will make, the will be encouraged to leave lights on overnight all the time.

If you are concerned about the environment, you can use compact fluorescent light bulbs. They offer great peace of mind when used in exterior lighting, such as porch lights, because they can be depended on for years without worrying about premature burnouts. A compact fluorescent can last six times longer than an incandescent bulb. It also saves money over its lifetime because it draws only one-fourth the electricity of an incandescent.

This is a simple step everyone can do to help Greenwood become a safer place to live.

Neibhborhood Watch Update

We know there is a lot of concern in Greenwood surrounding the multiple events that took place on Dakine. Officer Eggers will be attending the Greenwood Annual Meeting in October to address concerns and police response to calls. We hope many neighbors will attend and take advantage of this opportunity.

As you can see below, there are multiple incidents in and around Greenwood. Officer Eggers was very helpful regarding ways we can work with the police department to make Greenwood a safer neighborhood.

The best way neighbors can help prevent crime from occurring is to reduce the opportunity for a crime to take place by leaving your lights on overnight and getting to know your neighbors.

Leave Your Lights On Overnight
Criminals do not like well lit neighborhoods - a street that is well lit is the best way to deter criminals. If you are concerned about the environment, you can use compact fluorescent light bulbs. They offer great peace of mind when used in exterior lighting, such as porch lights, because they can be depended on for years without worrying about premature burnouts. A compact fluorescent can last six times longer than an incandescent bulb. It also saves money over its lifetime because it draws only one-fourth the electricity of an incandescent.

Get to Know Your Neighbors.
If you know your neighbors you will be able to know if someone is around who doesn't belong, if a car is lingering that doesn't belong, or if they are traveling and you can park in their driveway, collect newspapers, or shovel the walk. Neighborly things that can be done to help dissuade criminals. When you are aware of your surrounding, you may notice a neighbor is inviting crime into our streets, which may have been the case with the house on Dakine. All three of the recent incidents that have happened on Dakine in the past 2 months seem to have revolved around one house. After the incidents took place, there were reports to NW that the house seemed 'suspicious'. Do not wait until after a crime takes place - if you witness activity that has potential to become problematic, contact the police alerting them to your concerns, they can patrol the streets more frequently.

The residents in the house on Dakine have been evicted. The police are aware and are keeping an eye on the house as abandoned houses can be taken advantage of by criminals. Neighbors have been helping maintain the yard to lessen the appearance that on one is living there. Please keep up those efforts and keep a vigilant eye on the house. Report anything unusual or suspicious to the police.

Officer Eggers wanted to stress the importance of neighbors calling the police and what you should know when calling:

- You do not have to leave name when calling the police (some people do not call because they don't want to 'get involved'. It is important for these people to realize they can call anonymously)

- Do not think someone else called - the more the police are called about one incident, the more attention is given to the call.

- A call about a "suspicious event" means there is no crime occurring - a "suspicious person" may not get an immediate response. A call about a situation that appears like it might be gang related or a gang activity will get faster response time.

- Please be aware the people who work the police line are volunteers and not trained police officers, it is important when calling to paint a picture of the need and stress the anxiety level for the call.

- Depending on the situation, police may patrol the area on foot to collect as much info as possible before arriving by patrol.

The information below can be found on line at

CASE NUMBER 2008159000372 INCIDENT TYPE Robbery TIME 6/7/2008 2:42:35 AM STREET 6300 Blk DAKINE CIR DISTRICT STATION Franconia

CASE NUMBER 2008158000323 INCIDENT TYPE Vehicle Tampering TIME 6/6/2008 3:00:50 AM STREET 6500 Blk FORSYTHIA ST DISTRICT STATION Franconia

CASE NUMBER 2008176002767 INCIDENT TYPE Destruction TIME 6/24/2008 6:44:35 PM STREET 6300 Blk DAKINE CIR DISTRICT STATION Franconia

CASE NUMBER 2008155002137 INCIDENT TYPE Drug Offense TIME 6/3/2008 2:15:36 PM STREET 6500 Blk FRANCONIA RD DISTRICT STATION Franconia

CASE NUMBER 2008156001889 INCIDENT TYPE Assault TIME 6/4/2008 1:23:56 PM STREET 6400 Blk FRANCONIA RD DISTRICT STATION Franconia

CASE NUMBER 2008164002633 INCIDENT TYPE Larceny TIME 6/12/2008 5:15:44 PM STREET 6400 Blk LURETA ANN LN DISTRICT STATION Franconia

Monday, June 16, 2008

Shooting on Dakine

Sorry for the delay in posting to the website - An email did go out to the Neighborhood Watch Distribution list. To receive email updates, please send a request to

Neighborhood Watch received an email from a neighbor on Dakine about the robbery and shooting on Dakine. Below is the PIO release regarding the attack.

Friday night at 2 am there were at least 8 police cars in front of the neighbors house and the canine dogs are going through her yard and the house next door. Officers said there had been a “robbery”. At 6am when she took her dog out 2 police cars were still there along with a green police crime scene van. Police were taking pictures of the inside of the garage of 6380 as well as the inside of an open mini-van parked in the garage. At that point, she asked the officer if the robbery appeared to be random and he said no, not at all. She was told by a Fairfax County police officer that an Asian woman was robbed of $6,000 and there was a weapon involved. Neighbors on the other side of 6380 were told by a detective that the woman was shot.

It is very important that we realize there is a lot of gang crime in Springfield. This incident happened a few days earlier behind the metro.

PLEASE - Contact the police if you see ANYthing strange or suspicious in the neighborhood.

News Release: 08/159/0372/drg6)
June 9, 2008

Armed Robbery and Shooting in Springfield
A husband and wife were robbed and the wife was shot once in the hand, shortly after 2 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, June 7. The victims arrived home in separate cars. The wife pulled into the garage on Dakine Circle while the husband pulled into the driveway and got out of his car. Three suspects, one armed with a handgun, knocked the husband to the ground and demanded money. The suspect with the gun went to the wife’s car and knocked on the window. The victim refused to get out of the car and locked herself in. The suspect fired one round through the driver’s window, striking the victim in the hand. The suspect reached into the car and grabbed the victim’s purse. All three suspects fled toward Seatrend Way. The woman was transported to Inova Fairfax Hospital with non life-threatening injuries.

The three suspects were described as men of unknown race, wearing dark clothing.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477, e-mail at or text “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

PIO Release.
MPO Jim Nida
Crime Prevention Office
Franconia District Station
Fairfax County Police Department
703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Attempted Abduction in the Hayfield Area

Fairfax County Police DepartmentPublic Information Office
4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Va. 22030
703-246-2253. TTY 703-204-2264. Fax 703-246-4253
Media Advisory: 08/151/3643/(6)
June 3, 2008

Attempted Abduction in the Hayfield Area
A 19-year-old Hayfield-area woman was grabbed by a man as she was jogging on Friday, May 30 around 11 p.m., near Welch Court and Buckhaven Court. The victim saw a man in a dark green pick-up truck drive past her several times and eventually park. The driver got out of the truck, ran toward her and grabbed her in a bear hug. The victim was able to fight off her attacker and run away unharmed. The suspect ran back to his truck and fled on Welch Court, toward Broadmoor Street.
The victim was not able to clearly identify the suspect’s race. He was between 6 feet 3 inches and 6 feet 11 inches tall. He was wearing work boots and a hooded sweat shirt. The truck was possibly a Ford with a large cab, carrying a lawnmower in the back.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477, e-mail at or text “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Suspicious Activity on Dakine Circle

Our neighbor on Dakine Circle alerted NW about the following suspicious activity and/or Individuals within Greenwood and surrounding areas. Please be aware and be sure to use the emergency numbers found in the column to the right if you see anything that seems suspicious.

Hint - when reporting an incident to the please - if you tell the police it appears to be 'gang related' they will give it a higher priority. Also, the more calls that come in, the more likely police will respond in a timely manner.

Our neighbor's dog woke her up at 4:12am on Thursday May 8th and when walking her dog near the path to Springfield Forest Park she noticed 2 white plastic bags that appeared full. The dog started barking as if someone was near. The dog continued barking once inside the house. At 6am both bags were gone and an Asian man was running from the gravel path, while a second Asian man came running from the other end of Dakine Circle. The neighbor called the police and they took a report.

After speaking to others about the incident she was informed someone else was awakened by his dog at 4 am to a noise in his back yard, he threw his second spot light on and found an Asian woman trying to get in his back door, the woman was on a cell phone. When confronted, the woman pretended she was drunk, apologized and said she was at the wrong house, giving another house number. The neighbor let her go, until he saw her again walking in front of his house straight as a board at 6 am. He also called the police and then he saw the same 2 Asian men running around and the woman was lugging a large suitcase.

From what the neighbor was told, these people were stopped by the police on Seatrend as they were trying to get out of Greenwood. Police took their identification. Apparently the three were working together and were using cell phones to communicate as they were looking for homes to break into during the early morning hours.

Thankfully these vigilant neighbors called the police, reported the situation and criminals were caught in the act.

Please do your part to prevent your family from becoming victims. Criminals look for opportunity - keep your doors locked - even when you are in the house. Do not leave anything valuable in your car. Leave outside lights on, especially overnight in both the front and back of the house. And again - report Anything that appears suspicious.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Help prevent crime in Greenwood

The annual Greenwood Spring Cleanup is this weekend. The Neighborhood Watch Committee encourages all neighbors to participate on Saturday. It's a great way to meet new neighbors and friends and by keeping Greenwood clean, you send a message to criminals that we care about our neighborhood. A clean, well lit neighborhood is one of the best ways to deter criminals from entering a community. Hope to see you on Saturday.

Greenwood Community

6th Annual Krispy Kreme and Klean Spring Cleanup

Saturday, April 19

Rain Date: Sat., April 26

8:30 a.m. start

Meet at the Pool House

The Open Space Committee has announced the 6th annual Krispy Kreme and Klean Spring Cleanup for our Greenwood Community. The event will take place on Saturday, April 19th starting at 8:30 AM and last usually until about 11:00 AM. (rain date is the following Saturday, April 26th).

The more people that show up to help, the better the job, the easier the job, and the quicker the job gets done! So, we ask everyone in our community to give a few hours of their time to help. We meet at the pool house at 8:30 AM to enjoy coffee, juice, water and Krispy Kreme donuts. Each person or family (kids are welcomed to help) will be assigned an area to work, usually near your own residence. Garbage bags are provided and we send a vehicle around to collect the bags and bring them back to the pool house where a giant dumpster will be provided.

All volunteers should wear long pants and shirtsleeves and bring gloves for protection. This can be a fun event… an opportunity to meet your neighbors, and a chance to make a contribution to your community… one that benefits all of us. So, please set aside the date and plan to come out and support our community.

If you would like to volunteer to help with setup or have a truck that can tote trash bags, please contact Norm Henslee at 571-275-5050.

Thanks in advance and we look forward to seeing you all at 8:30 AM on Saturday, April 19th, at the pool house.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

GPS Unit stolen from Car on Racetec

The following email was sent to

On Tuesday, 4/8, a Nissan truck on Racetec Place was broken into between midnight and 6AM. The drivers window was smashed and the GPS was stolen. Police were notified.

Police see an increase in the number of GPS units stolen and are urging people to make sure electronics are removed from vehicles or at least hidden from view to decrease the chance of theft.

"Laptops, iPods, radios, radar detectors, cell phones and GPS units are an easy turnaround," Grennon said. "With so many people having GPS units, we recommend that they be removed from vehicles overnight. You're not likely to put a GPS in the trunk when you stop at Wawa for coffee, but people have to be cognizant of the fact that their cars are not 100 percent safe even in their driveway."

"Even if you hear glass breaking, by the time you get up and look outside the thief and your GPS will be gone if you leave something where someone can see it," Grennon said.

Be sure to write down the make, model and serial number of your GPS. If it's stolen, at least you have a chance of getting it back. You can also register GPS units (as well as other electronic gadgets) at the manufacturer's website.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

SAFE Experience

The following article was written by a neighbor who attended the free SAFE course offered by the Fairfax County Police department and was posted in the Greenwood Community Newsletter

Hello neighbors. I want to briefly share with you my Sexual Assault Free & Empowered (SAFE) experience. SAFE is a free self defense program for women. I read about it in the December Greenwood Newsletter and signed up for the February course. I attended all four sessions of the course and am so glad I did. Well trained instructors empowered me with knowledge of crime preventive strategies and provided actual hands-on training in physical defense techniques that I applied in a realistic controlled environment. Every woman in my class echoed how amazing the experience was for them and how confident they feel inflicting some serious bodily harm on a potential attacker. We all know there are people in our society that want to physically harm others and this program truly prepares you to react if threatened. The instructors told us several stories of women that have gone through the program and used the techniques they learned to successfully defend themselves. I strongly urge every Greenwood women to make it a priority to take this course. Your survival may very well depend on it.

Google search key words: SAFE Fairfax County

Individuals Lurking Behind Houses on Demme Place

Thank you to our Greenwood neighbor for being observant and alerting the police and the NWC to the following incident. This is a perfect example of how being aware of our surrounding and reporting detailed information can help keep our neighborhood safe. Please share this information with your neighbors. We can all do our part - be alert, turn on outside lights to increase safety and report any and all incidents to the police.

At 10:57pm on Friday, March 28, 2008, when my wife and I were returning home, we saw a group of four people wearing dark hooded sweatshirts and carrying large flashlights standing in the shadows of the common area behind 6338 Demme Pl.

I pointed my car to shine the headlights directly on them to get a better look at them. As soon as I lit them up, they quickly walked north east towards 6336 Demme Pl., then abruptly turned and headed west through the grassy common area behind 6338 through 6348 Demme Pl. I then drove my car west on Demme Pl. As soon as I got to 6348 Demme Pl., a man in a dark hooded sweatshirt came running southbound out from between 6348 and 6350 Demme Pl. As soon as he saw me, he reversed direction and ran northbound back between the houses into the darkness. I called the police and watched the area until the police arrived. The police checked the area.

Then, 3 hours later, at 1:58am on Saturday, March 29th, I looked out of my rear window and saw the shadow of a person walking eastbound across my back yard (cast by my rear patio light). I called the police again and asked them to check the area again.

As far as I know, the police never found anything.

I would highly encourage my Greenwood neighbors:
- to be aware that people are lurking in their back yards, probably casing for burglary or larceny
- to turn on their rear lights at night to eliminate the darkness that provides a safe haven to prospective burglars and thieves
- not to leave valuables outside
- to watch for people who don't belong, and call police to report any suspicious activity.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Indecent Exposure at Bus Stop

A 15-year-old Alexandria-area girl was the victim of an indecent exposure Thursday, February 28. She was waiting for the school bus at Spring Faire Court and Hayfield Road in the Kingstowne area around 6:40 a.m. A man driving an older model, gold car with four doors pulled up next to her and asked for directions. The girl walked closer and the man exposed himself. She ran home and the suspect fled. The victim was not injured.

The suspect was described as black, in his 20s.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477, e-mail at or text “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Serial Attacker in Springfield Area

Woman Assaulted While Walking Home

On Monday, January 28 at 8 p.m., officers responded to the 7300 block of Allan Avenue in Falls Church for a woman who was assaulted. The 63-year-old Falls Church-area woman was walking home from a bus stop when she was attacked. The suspect grabbed her from behind and dragged into a dark area. The attacker fled when a passing vehicle drove by. The victim was not injured.

The suspect was described as a man of unknown race about 5 feet 9 inches tall and 150 pounds. He was wearing dark clothing and a dark ski mask.

This is the sixth similar incident in Fairfax County and makes 11 total incidents including the City of Alexandria. Investigators from Fairfax County and Alexandria City have been working closely on these cases.

In all these cases the suspects have been wearing dark clothing and ski mask. They have ranged in height from 5 feet 1 inch to 6 tall of unknown race. They have attacked from behind and assaulted their victim. The victims have been white, Hispanic, black and Asian. They have ranged in age from 18 to 63 years old. The similarities among the victims have been walking alone in hours of darkness.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477) or Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.


This string of attacks heightens the need to be able to defend yourself. According to the police, he has often stopped his attack when the woman screams or defends herself. The SAFE Classes are filling up quickly as the knowledge of this attacker spreads. If you have not done so already, PLEASE sign up as soon as possible for the next available SAFE class.
(Google key words: SAFE Fairfax County)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Two Robbed in Springfield

On Sunday, January 27 at approximately 7 p.m., a mother and daughter were robbed while walking home from the store. The 35-year-old Springfield-area woman and her 13-year-old daughter were in the 6000 block of Dinwiddie Street when they saw a mini-van drive past and park just ahead of them. Two men got out of the car, threatened the victims with a knife and announced a robbery. The suspects went through the victims’ pockets, took cash and fled. There were no injuries.

The both suspects were described as being about 18 years old. One was approximately 5 feet 6 inches tall and heavy set with a birthmark on his face. He was wearing a red and white striped shirt, black pants and a brown sweater. The other was approximately 5 feet 11 inches tall and thin. He was wearing a gray and white shirt, dark pants and a brown jacket. They were seen in a green van with a white hood.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS(8477) or Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Masked Man Strikes Again

Police believe that a 28-year-old Falls Church-area woman became the latest victim of the masked sexual predator. This incident took place on Wednesday, December 19 shortly after 6 p.m. near the intersection of Little River Turnpike and Backlick Road. The victim was walking along Little River Turnpike toward her bus stop on Columbia Pike when a man approached her from behind, pulled her to the ground and attempted to restrain her. The victim fought back and thwarted the attack. She was not seriously injured. The suspect fled west on Little River Turnpike.

The suspect was described as white, in his 30s, approximately 5 feet one inch tall, weighing about 140 pounds. He was wearing dark clothing and a black ski mask.

Detectives are looking into the possibility that this case may be related to two previous incidents; the first on November 14 and the second on December 17.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477 or Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.


Because this victim fought back, her injuries were relatively minor. Would you be able to fight back if you were in the same situation? Fairfax County offers a FREE Self Defense course to help all women defend themselves from an attach. PLEASE sign up for the SAFE (Sexual Assault Free & Empowered) Course taught every month. For more information call Laureen at 703-246-7806 or go to
Google keywords Fairfax County SAFE.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holiday Safety: Don’t Be a Victim

Everyone is looking for extra money or gifts during this final week of holiday shopping and that includes criminals. They are out in force trying to separate you from your money and property.

In recent months there has been an increase in the number of GPS, iPOD and other electronic devices being stolen from vehicles. Be extra vigilant during the holiday season and keep the following tips in mind.

§ Shop during daylight hours whenever possible.

§ Always be aware of your surroundings.

§ Know exactly where you park your car.

§ If shopping at night, park in well-lit areas.

§ Avoid shopping alone.

§ Carry keys, cash and credit cards separate from each other.

§ Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. If possible, avoid carrying a purse.
Use a fanny pack or deep pockets in clothing to carry what you need. Limit the number of credit cards you carry.

§ If you must carry a purse, keep it close to your body and always zipped or snapped shut.

§ Be aware of strangers “accidentally” bumping into you. Pick-pockets use this as a diversion.

§ Avoid carrying large packages that block your vision and make you a target for thieves.

§ Avoid shopping until you're exhausted. You are more alert when you are less tired.

§ When hurried or in a crowded shop, make sure you get all forms of identification and credit cards returned to you before you leave.

§ Leave the mall/store well before closing time. This way, there is a greater assurance you will walk out with other people. There is safety in numbers.

§ Use an escort or mall security if you have too many packages or if you are leaving the store after closing.

§ Be alert while walking to your car. Check under and around your car as you approach it. After checking your car, lock it immediately upon entering it.

§ If you see a van parked next to your car, you can choose to enter your car through the passenger side.

§ Avoid using automatic teller machines at night and remember to keep others from seeing when you type in your PIN.

§ Remove GPS, iPods and any other electronic devices from your dashboards and store them out of sight.

§ Remove any evidence (i.e. suction cup marks) from your windshield.

§ Do not leave boxes identifying your gifts (such as computers, televisions, etc.) at the curb as this advertises the contents of your home to potential thieves.

§ Ensure doors and windows are locked at all times, even when you are home.

§ Use timers on lights to give the appearance you are home when you are not.

§ If you order gifts to be delivered to your home, ensure someone is there to accept the package. Have a trusted neighbor keep a lookout for the packages.

§ If you go out of town for the holidays, make sure you ask a trusted neighbor, friend or family member to check the house at least once a day and pick up mail and newspapers. Provide your contact number in case of emergency.

§ Keep garage doors closed and be sure the door from the garage into the home is secured.

§ Make sure your home address is not showing on your luggage.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Car Stolen on Racetec

There continues to be a problem with Hondas and Acura’s being stolen and/or recovered from the Franconia District. In November a Honda Civic was stolen in Greenwood from Racetec. If you have any information regarding the stolen car, please contact the Crime Prevention Office.

Regardless of what kind of vehicle you own, please make sure you keep your vehicle locked at all times. Never leave your vehicle unattended and running. Purchasing an inexpensive security feature such as "the club" can be an added deterrent.

If you would like to have your vehicle identification number (VIN) etched into the windows of your vehicle to reduce the risk of vehicle theft, please e-mail the Crime Prevention Office at or call at (703) 922-8263 to schedule an appointment.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Update on home invasion

Last Friday three men broke into a home on Japonica Street. They had a hand gun and a knife. They also wore black ski masks. They knocked on the door and then burst their way in the house. Two teenage girls were tied up as the home was robbed of valuables. The perpetrators were in the home from 15 to 30 minutes. The girls were able to free themselves and call 911 on a cell phone. The lines to the house phone had been cut. Officer Eddy J Azcarate is the reporting officer.

Home Invasion

This one hits Very close to home - one street over from Seatrend, connecting to Greenwood through the playground.

Yet there is one thing that EVERYONE can to which will prevent most crimes including this one...

Lock your doors. Keep them locked to strangers coming to your door. You can speak to people through a locked door - you do not have to open the door to see what the person wants.

If you have ANY doubts - call the police. They would rather come to a call that results in nothing, than a call that results in robbery or worse.

SPRINGFIELD, Va. -- Police are searching for three culprits in connection with a home invasion that occurred Friday in Springfield.

Police said two teenage girls were at home in the 6500 block of Japonica Street at about noon Friday when three suspects knocked on the door. When the door was opened, the armed suspects forced their way into the home, bound the two victims and searching the home for valuables, police said.
The suspects left with cash, jewelry and a safe. There were no injuries, police said.

The first robber is described as an Asian man in his late 20s, about 5 feet 9 inches tall and clean-shaven with black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a blue, puffy jacket, fitted blue jeans, blue and white sneakers, black cotton gloves and a black ski mask. He was armed with a handgun, police said.

The second suspect, armed with a knife, is described as an Asian man in his late 20s. He was wearing a tan, puffy jacket, blue jeans, black cotton gloves and a black ski mask.

The third suspect is described as possibly an Asian man with a black ski mask.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS or Fairfax County police at 703-691-2131.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

18-Year-Old Sexually Assaulted In Fairfax Co.

FAIRFAX COUNTY, Va. -- At least one, possibly two, sexual predators were on the loose in Fairfax County on Wednesday night, police said. Wednesday morning, a man wearing a ski mask attacked a woman. On Wednesday night, police said the same man may have carried out several more attacks across Northern Virginia. The second sexual assault was in the Springfield area and was similar to a recent attack in Alexandria.

An 18-year-old woman said she was assaulted while walking on Industrial Road at about 5:45 a.m. The Springfield-area victim was approached from behind by a man. She said he forced her off the road and into a remote area, where he sexually assaulted her. She described the man as between 5 feet 7 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall with an average build. She said he was wearing a black ski mask, a black, nylon, waist-length jacket and blue jeans. The case is under investigation. Area police offered safety tips to keep in mind, especially during the predawn hours:

Be aware of your surroundings
Avoid walking alone
Travel routes that are heavily used and well lit

Anyone with information should call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS or Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wild Animals

Please pass the word along to neighbors who have outdoor pets.

Be aware a neighbor in a nearby community had three coyotes on their property at 8:30 PM, Tuesday, 30 Oct. One coyote stood 18" at the shoulder; the other two were smaller, likely females or adolescents standing 12" at the shoulder. They were digging up the aeration holes that were drilled in the yard; probably thought the holes would lead to rodents. All three appeared healthy, i.e., no unusual behavior indicative of rabies. All three were frightened by the noise of the neighbor and ran into the forest. According to articles Fairfax authorities, outdoor pets are at risk, but people are not.

Wild animals will take advantage of whatever is available as a source of food, including garbage, pet food, and domestic animals or pets.

So far the Neighborhood watch committee has not been alerted to any coyotes in Greenwood. By following these simple steps and preventing access to human food and garbage, you can help prevent coyotes, foxes or other unwanted animals from roaming our neighborhood.

• Put trash out in the morning rather than leave out overnight when the animals are more active.
• Put garbage in trashcans with lids that close tightly and cannot be easily tipped over. Trash bags can be easily torn by animals and the wind can then carry trash throughout the neighborhood.
• Remove sources of water, especially in dry climates.
• Bring pets in at night, and do not leave pet food outside.
• Put away bird feeders at night to avoid attracting rodents and other coyote prey.
• Install motion-sensitive lighting around the house.
• Trim ground-level shrubbery to reduce hiding places
• Do not leave small children or pets outside unattended.
• If followed by a coyote, make loud noises. If this fails, throw rocks in the animal’s direction but not at the animal.

You can reach Animal Control in Fairfax County via (703) 691-2131.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Trick Or Treat

Please see the attached flyer from our neighborhood Police Department. (click on the image to enlarge for easier reading)

UPDATE- If you are having difficulty enlarging the flyers - this link will take you to the flyer on line.


The Driving tips posted here for ease.

Halloween driving “tricks” to keep everyone safe
To help everyone bring home treats — not tragedies — follow these tips for a safe Halloween:

• Don't use a cell phone while driving through neighborhoods. A single distraction could lead
to a tragedy.
• Stay well below the posted speed limit.
• Pay attention to what's happening on sidewalks and roadways. Watch for children darting
across streets, especially between parked cars.
• Be extra alert when pulling in and out of driveways.
• Do not assume children can see you or are paying attention. You need to take that
• Drivers should also check that all lights on their car work.
• Do not pass other vehicles that have stopped in the roadway. They could be dropping off
• If you're driving a group of children, but staying in the running vehicle at the curb, be sure to
put on your hazard lights to alert other motorists.
• And if you're driving to a Halloween party, put that mask on after you park the car.
Parents can help motorists, too:
• Make sure drivers can see the children. Give them flashlights and glow sticks. Dress kids in
bright, reflective clothing or use reflective tape on their costumes.
• Use makeup, rather than masks, so children have a clear, unobstructed view of their
• Be sure children know how to cross a street -- look left, right and left again before crossing.
• Instruct children to stay on sidewalks and to cross only at corners or crosswalks.
• Accompany your children as they trick or treat.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Back To School

As the children return to school their safety is a priority for our neighborhood.
Please encourage your children walking to school, to walk with a buddy, and remind them not to take shortcuts. Recently there was an attempted abduction on Franconia Road and when children take short cuts through woods they are at greater risk.

The NWC recently offered a Safety course for the children of Greenwood and it was so popular that we will be offering it again in January. Please check back for dates.

What Is Suspicious?

Below is from a handout from the Fairfax County Police Department on Neighborhood Safety. The police will tell you again and again – when in doubt – Call the Police regarding anything believed to be suspicious.

Call the Police
• Your call is always important
• Allows for follow up and case closure
• We want you to call

What is Suspicious?
Vehicle You Don’t Recognize
• Any vehicle you see driving repeatedly on the same day or different days
• A vehicle driving slowly through the neighborhood
• A vehicle dropping off or picking up person(s)
• An unoccupied vehicle parked on the street or in a driveway
• A vehicle parked – a person walks away from it down the street, out of sight
Person You Don’t Know
• Any person you see walking on the street
• A person knocking on the door
• Any person walking around your home or your neighbor’s home
• A person being dropped off or picked up
• A person sitting in a parked car
• A person who walks away from a parked vehicle, down the street, out of sight
• Gunshots
• Screams
• Glass breaking
• Knocks at the door – nobody there
• Anything around your house or your neighbor’s house
• Dogs barking for no apparent reason
• Car motor – racing, at idle, etc.
• Voices – unusual conversations among people you can’t see
• Best Witness Rule
– Be observant
– Write it down
– Carry your cell phone
– Do not approach anyone suspicious
– Call the police

You are not the Police
You are our best help!
Franconia District Crime Prevention Office
MPO Jim Nida

What Can You Do?

90% of all crime is opportunity – the best way to prevent the opportunity of a crime to happen to your home is to be aware.

• KEEP YOUR LIGHTS ON OVERNIGHT – a well lit area will deter a criminal. As you know the only street lights in Greenwood are on Seatrend and Dunn Ct. The rest of the streets in the neighborhood can get pretty dark. It costs less than 3 cents a night to leave on one light bulb.

• MAINTAIN YOUR HOME – keep up with home maintenance and keep your yard and neighborhood free of litter. A dirty and unkempt neighborhood gives criminals the impression that neighbors don’t care or pay attention.

• LOOK OUT FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS – keep an eye out for each other. If your neighbor is out of town, picking up their mail or parking in their driveway will give the impression that they are home.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Sketch of Attacker

The Crime Prevention Unit just released this sketch of the man who assaulted a teenage girl on Franconia Road. The attack was in the Rose Hill area of Franconia Rd, but as you see, the suspect is mobile on a bicycle. If you know of anyone coming close to the description, please call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477, Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131, or send an email to Officer Nida at

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Online Predators

Popular Internet social network MySpace said on Tuesday it detected and deleted 29,000 convicted sex offenders on its service, more than four times the figure it had initially reported.

The company, owned by media conglomerate News Corp, said in May it had deleted about 7,000 user profiles that belonged to convicted offenders. MySpace attracts about 60 million unique visitors monthly in the United States.

The new information was first revealed by U.S. state authorities after MySpace turned over information on convicted sex offenders it had removed from the service.

"The exploding epidemic of sex offender profiles on MySpace -- 29,000 and counting -- screams for action," Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said in a statement.

Blumenthal, who led a coalition of state authorities to lobby MySpace for more stringent safeguards for minors, and other state AGs have demanded the service begin verifying a user's age and require parental permission for minors.

The minimum age to register on MySpace is 14.

"We're pleased that we've successfully identified and removed registered sex offenders from our site and hope that other social networking sites follow our lead," MySpace Chief Security Officer Hemanshu Nigam said in a statement.

The service has come under attack over the past year after some of its young members fell prey to adult predators posing as minors. The families of several teenage girls sexually assaulted by MySpace members sued the service in January for failing to safeguard its young members.
Late last year, it struck a partnership with background verification company Sentinel Tech Holdings Corp. to co-develop the first U.S. national database of convicted sex offenders to make it easier to track offenders on the Internet.

Convicted sex offenders are required by law to register their contact information with local authorities. But the information has only been available on regional databases, making nationwide searches difficult.

As of May, there were about 600,000 registered sex offenders in the United States.

For parents: Learn how to better protect your childrenFor parents:

For kids: Don't believe the type

Fairfax County police are on the lookout for a man who assaulted a teenage girl in Franconia.

Investigators say the 13-year-old girl from Alexandria was walking home Monday evening on the 5,900 block of Franconia Road (near the intersection of Franconia and Van Dorn) when a man on a bicycle went to attack her.

Police say the suspect got off his bike and grabbed the teen from behind in a bear hug. Officers say the girl elbowed the suspect and broke free. She then kicked the suspect and ran away unharmed.

The suspect was described only as about 5'9" tall with short brown hair and a lot of freckles. He was wearing a white baseball cap, blue jeans and possibly a white T-shirt.

Police are asking anyone with information to call Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS(8477) or 703-691-2131.

Be sure to join us on Tuesday, July 31st @ 7pm at the Franconia Government Center for a Child Safety Presentation so Greenwood children can learn techniques to defend themselves should a stranger approach. Bring a friend and come hungry as we will be serving pizza for all. A parent or guardian must accompany children under 16 years of age.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Buy a shredder!

Think you are safe tearing up your pre approved credit card applications received in the mail?

Would any credit card company be irresponsible enough to approve this torn application?

Click here to read how easy it is for your identity to be stolen.

Metro Safety

Metro Transit Police have arrested four area men for allegedly breaking into more than 50 vehicles in a Fairfax County Metro station parking garage.

Police say the four broke into 52 vehicles in June and stole more than 100 items, including global positioning systems, car televisions and even a sports utility vehicle. All of the thefts occurred at the 5,069 space parking garage at the Franconia-Springfield station in Springfield, Va.

According to detectives, the men arrived together in a vehicle and visited each floor of the garage, breaking into cars.

“Two officers from the auto theft detail spotted three of the suspects breaking into some vehicles in late June and immediately arrested two of the men. Video of the third suspect at the station and interviews assisted us in tracking down the other suspects,” said Capt. David Webb, commander of the criminal investigation division.

Police arrested Maurice Conyers, 22, of Southeast Washington and Darryl Walker, 20, of Hagerstown, Md., on June 25. Randy Smith, 19, of Northeast Washington, and Kevin Wilson, 22, of Northeast Washington, were arrested last Friday. The men face several charges, including grand larceny in Fairfax County.

Transit Police remind motorists to not leave valuables in their vehicles and use anti-theft devices, such as alarms, steering wheel locks and window etching.

For more information on how to prevent auto theft click here

According to Fairfax County Police - it is important to report any items stolen no matter how small. Many times an officer will be in a situation where they believe a suspect is in possession of stolen items, but if a report has not been filed on the items in question, no arrests can be made.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Online Safety

Internet safety is a concern for parents and kids. There are many informative sites about this topic online. One of the best sites out there is

WiredSafety provides help, information and education to Internet and mobile device users of all ages. They help victims of cyberabuse ranging from online fraud, cyberstalking and child safety, to hacking and malicious code attacks. They also help parents with issues, such as MySpace and cyberbullying.

The following information on Online Safety was from their sister site Teenangels. In addition to Teenangels they also operate WiredKids, CyberLawEnforcement, StopCyberbullying, and Internet Super Heroes, as well as

Online Safety Tips For Kids From Kids...
(in their own [uncensored] words)

1. Always ask your parents before you use the Internet.

2. Never give out your information or your name, address, phone number, school, or parent's name.

3. Don't lie about your age so you can go to a site on the Internet.

4. Don't buy anything without your parent's permission or if they are not there.

5. Never use bad language or you could get kicked off the Inter-net & never be able to go on again.

6. Don't ever open or answer any e-mail from people you don't know.

7. Never send a picture on the Internet to anyone you don't know.

8. Never ask to meet a person in real life you met on the Internet.

9. If somebody says he is a manager of 'N Sync & you get free tickets & signed stuff & asked you if you wanted it say "no" because it could be a lie or maybe he could be a scum bag.

10. If someone says there is a sale at the GAP & they need your address & phone number always say no.

11. Be careful of bad people on the Internet or you definitely will get hurt.

12. If someone is disobeying the rules, ignore them!

13. Never believe anyone if they tell you how old they are. Even if you think you can ask them questions only a kid would know the answers to, it doesn't prove they're really a kid.

14. Tell your parents if anything goes wrong.

Maggie's Advice

Maggie also wanted parents to know how she feels about them snooping into kids' e-mail & invading their privacy.

1. If you have your child's password, don't snoop around in their e-mail.

2. If you want to check their e-mail go through it with them.

She also wrote a letter on behalf of all kids to their parents that she wanted to share.

Dear Mom & Dad: I know all of the rules for safety online. I know that there are people out there who might want to hurt me. But don't worry, they won't catch me off-guard. Safety is important but I don't feel comfortable with you reading my mail unless you tell me first. I also want you to know that I know a lot of the rules for online safety. Here are some of the ones I would tell a friend that has never been online before: Don't talk to strangers. Don't download anything without your parents permission, it might have a virus. Hopefully you can trust me now.

Love, Your Son/Daughter

Click here to play Playing It Safe, an online safety game for sleuths and problem-solvers.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Neighborhood Watch Leads to an Arrest

A Neighborhood Watch volunteer called the police about a suspicious person in the Windermere neighborhood in Great Falls. On Wednesday, July 11 at about 6:30 p.m., officers responded to the area. Police identified the 20-year-old man and learned that he was soliciting without a license. The suspect collected several donations for a bogus baseball team.

Greenwood has a no solicitors policy yet we see solicitors all the time. As seen in the arrest in Great Falls - sometimes these solicitors can be criminals out for your hard earned money.

If someone knocks at your door it is always a good idea to answer with the door closed (this way, if it is a criminal looking for an empty home they know someone is home) but you do not have to open the door for a solicitor.

All solicitors must carry a license in Fairfax County. Please ask to see their license. If they do not have one, call non emergency police at 703-691-2131.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Kids Safety Presentation

Congratulations to the kids and parents of Greenwood! According to Officer Nida, we had the largest turn out for a Kids Safety Presentation so far!

Unfortunately, the partition that separates the meeting room into two was broken, and with another HOA's Board meeting taking place at the same time, Officer Nida's portion of the evening will be rescheduled for Tuesday, July 31 @ 7pm.

Nonetheless, we were able to show to the families a presentation on safety within Greenwood. Special thanks to fellow neighbor Ariel BenYishay who realized the importance of communication between the adults and children of Greenwood. Ariel developed a presentation on how we can work together so children can have the freedom and fun of enjoying the neighborhood safely, while being respectful of property and noise levels.

Part of the beauty of Greenwood is how many happy children there are living and playing within our streets. Sometimes it feels to neighbors there may be more kids than there are adults able to supervise, and sometimes it feels to the kids that there's only streets and no place to play and enjoy the summer. Which is why developing relationships among families and neighbors is key for our kids' safety and our common well-being.

The kids who came out on Tuesday night certainly had some fun -- their friendly faces and willingness to participate greatly added to the event. Here is a photo of some of the kids last night after enjoying all the yummy pizza.

While it is disappointing Officer Nida's presentation had to be rescheduled, it opens up the possibility for even more children to attend on the 31st.

We look forward to seeing you all on the 31st!

Aggressive Driving on Seatrend

On Seatrend Way at 8:30pm on Tuesday evening, a silver Acura TL illegally passed a moving car on the Right hand side narrowly missing parked cars then passed another moving car on the Left had side of that car. This driver then sped down the rest of Seatrend.

This same car has been seen speeding on Seatrend on previous occasions. It is unknown if the driver of the car is a resident of Greenwood or just a frequent visitor.

As mentioned in the post on children safety in the neighborhood, there is not a lot of free space in Greenwood and you will see many kids playing along the sides of Seatrend - especially during summer months with the warmer weather and longer days.

All residents need to be respectful of the speed limit and need to ask your guests and visitors to drive safely as well. To help enforce the safety of your neighborhood, if you see anyone speeding or driving aggressively, please report these drivers to the Police Department through an online form for reporting aggressive drivers

For more information on Fairfax County Traffic Safety Programs, please click here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC)

Franconia CAC (Citizens’ Advisory Committee) meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month and are usually held at the Franconia District Police Station.

The next meeting is Wednesday, July 21st, at 5 p.m, at King Street Blues (5810 Kingstowne Center, 703-313-0400). It is a fundraiser with proceeds benefiting our Officers at the Franconia Station.

September 19th is back at the Franconia District Police Station at 7:30 p.m., Social time starts at 7:00 the community room of the Franconia Government Center.

The CAC works; these meetings are very informative and help to keep residents of the Franconia area aware of what police activities are going on in their community.

Everyone is welcome.

Monday, July 09, 2007

How To Keep Your BBQ Flame Free

ABC News interviewed Mary Kay Welch who lost her home in the fire on Dakine. The fire started due to an unattended grill. All five connected townhouses were damaged. Three of the homes burned down; the last two had severe water and smoke damage. Here is the link to the story ABC ran last week on how to prevent grill fires.

Click here to read the article.

Mary Kay attended the Board meeting last Thursday to discuss the progress of the rebuild. We were sorry to hear it is not going well due to a number of circumstances. One of the issues was insurance policies with under appreciated values of the home. Mary Kay urges all members of Greenwood to review their policies to prevent the hassles and hardships that the families of Dakine are experiencing.

On a happier note, congratulations to Chris and Mary Kay who were married on July 7 (7/7/07)!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Cost of Safety

Sometimes its difficult to put a price tag on safety. But what if you could make your family and neighborhood safer for about 3-5 cents a day?

Seems like a silly question with an obvious answer doesn't it. Yet every night when you look around the neighborhood more than half of the homes do not have their exterior lights on.

(1) Leaving your exterior lights on cost pennies per day - and - (2) even less if you purchase purchase energy saving fluorescent light bulbs (CFL).

All crime is 90% opportunity. One of the easiest ways to deter crime is to have a well lit environment. Criminals hide in the comfort of darkness. Leaving your exterior lights on will go a long way to prevent an opportunity for a crime to take place.

Look for yourself at the difference it makes when a number of houses all on one street have their lights on compared to a street with very little lighting.

Together we can Leave the Lights On for Safety.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Fireworks Safety

Fireworks are an American tradition. They can provide hours of wholesome,
family entertainment, but must be used by adults carefully and
safely. To insure the safety of both the audience and those lighting the
fireworks, Fairfax County Police Department recommend the following fireworks safety guidelines:

1. Never let children handle fireworks; only adults should handle and light the
2. Do not use alcohol while lighting or handling fireworks.
3. Follow the laws; use common sense.
4. Use fireworks on a hard, flat surface.
5. Use in a clear, open area away from buildings, vehicles, and shrubbery.
6. Keep clear of the fireworks.
7. Use care in handling and lighting the fireworks.
8. Light one firework item at a time.
9. Don't use malfunctioning or "Dud"- items.
10. Have an accessible fire extinguisher or a supply of water close by.
11. Be cautious of lighting any fireworks during strong wind conditions.
12. Never use the fireworks as a weapon by pointing them or throwing them at another person or property.
13. Store fireworks in a cool, dry place and dispose of them properly.
14. Use fireworks outdoors; never use fireworks indoors.
15. Purchase fireworks only from reliable, licensed dealers.
16. Safety glasses are recommended for those lighting the fireworks and for those who are in close proximity to the fireworks.
17. Be considerate of pets and animals that may be frightened by the fireworks
18. Do not transport fireworks on airplanes.

Be aware that it is easier than ever to purchase fireworks via the Internet which could result in purchases that may be illegal in the state of VA or may be of poor quality.

Any firework which explodes, emits a flame or sparks higher than 12 feet, or performs as a projectile is prohibited by the Fairfax County Fire Prevention Code. A permit is required for the sale of all fireworks, and these permits are only valid from June 1 to July 15 of each year.
Many fireworks are not available in Northern Virginia because they are illegal. Firecrackers, cherry bombs, and skyrockets are just a few examples of fireworks which may be purchased in other areas, but are illegal here. Since even the possession of unapproved fireworks is prohibited in Fairfax County, such fireworks will be confiscated and the person possessing them can be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor. This carries a maximum penalty of a $2,500 fine and/or up to one-year in jail.

For more on fireworks safety please visit the National Council on Fireworks Safety at